Are You Dominating Search?

If not, you need to work with an SEO team who you can trust to get you there and grow your business. At Static Shift, we don’t do lock-in contracts, just an agreement that we’ll do what it takes to get you results. If we don’t, you fire us. It’s that simple!

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laser targeted seo visitors Search Engine Optimisation

Attract Highly-Targeted Visitors That Drive Business Growth.

Getting better rankings and more visitors to your website is one thing, but if they don’t actually turn into enquiries and sales, it’s a waste of everybody’s time.

We thoroughly research and analyse your business and your target market to work out what keywords your ideal customers are searching for – The ones who are ready to part with their hard-earned money, and grow your business.

A Full-Service SEO Agency with a Tailored Approach

SEO isn’t a one-size-fits-all service. Anyone that tries to sell you on a generic package is doing it wrong. At Static Shift, we know that no business is the same, and that’s why our SEO strategies are tailor-built for you and continuously fine-tuned so we don’t waste anyone’s time or money getting you in front of the wrong customer.

We put a lot of time and effort into the discovery process. By interviewing you, researching and analysing your business, and your industry, we’re able to put together a strategy that will provide the best return on your investment.

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ecommerce seo google analytics client growth Search Engine Optimisation

Does SEO Really Work?

Since the dawn of time, getting in front of customers actively searching for what you’re selling has always been a great recipe for sales success (makes sense right?).

Have you ever used Google when you’re searching for products or services? If you’re like the majority of the population, that’s a big fat yes.

How often do you look past the first page of the search engine results? If you’re not on the front page of Google when people are searching for what you’re selling, you’re probably missing out on a big piece of the pie.

We’re staunch believers that a laser-targeted SEO strategy is the best way for a lot of businesses to grow in the digital age (sorry Facebook). And we’ve consistently supported our argument with significant, sustainable sales growth (we’re talking a 2-10x increase in sales) for our SEO clients.

SEO Services

We have a small but potent team of SEO specialists who combine to deliver the vital SEO services below:

Keyword Research

The aim of our SEO services is to get you more revenue, and the first and most important step in the process is comprehensive keyword research. It’s the foundation of an SEO strategy that will get you the best return on your investment.

Most clients have their own idea of what people might search for when they’re looking for their service or product…which is a great place to start. But we go much, much deeper. We believe in making data-driven decisions and we have fine-tuned the keyword research process to find the primary keywords that you can target to achieve business growth.

Our research process allows us to choose the best target keywords by breaking down each query into a few primary questions – How many people search for that query each month? How fierce is the competition for that query? What do users expect to find when they are searching that keyword? Is the user likely to be looking to buy what you’re selling?

Of course, the ultimate goal is to find keywords that attract highly qualified traffic, with high search volume and minimal competition.

Competitor Analysis

Most keywords will be already dominated by a few companies, who are currently capturing your potential customers. Just as businesses benefit from doing in the offline business world, we analyse the competitor’s strengths and weaknesses in their online presence. This can be a very rewarding exercise, allowing us to uncover opportunities for you to overtake them as well as any threats that you need to be aware of.

SEO Strategy

Here we pull together all the research and analysis we’ve gathered and put together an SEO plan to get your website seen. This includes things such as recommended content & features for your site, a checklist of SEO best practices to optimise your site. We then plan a prioritised to-do list based on tackling all the urgent problems and quick-fix solutions first. Then we move on to the other solutions based on which will achieve the best long term results.

On-Site Optimisation

After we’ve completed the SEO report, we optimise your website specifically for your target keywords. This includes adjusting title tags, meta tags, headings, content, site architecture & navigation, internal linking with anchor text, page urls, and building a sitemap. We also optimise the page speed to ensure loading times are as quick as possible. All of these things are about making your website as SEO friendly as possible.

Content Creation

The point of search engines is to provide users with the best answer for the questions or services they’re searching for. This is why they’ve worked hard to ensure their algorithms are able to analyse content and reward the websites that are putting out quality content. More important even than pleasing Google, is pleasing the visitors enough to drive them to take action.

We help you to create great content – whether it’s service page sales copy, product descriptions, or content assets which help to attract natural links like in-depth blog articles & infographics.

Influencer Outreach & Linkbuilding

Link-building is no longer about going out and getting as many links to your site as possible (if you ask us it never should have been). Search engines want to see quality, high authority websites linking to you because they actually believe that your products, services or information will benefit their visitors. We reach out to influential, and high authority websites, and create content that links back to your website so that Google sees you as an authority on the topic.

Work With an SEO Agency That Gets Exceptional Results

If your website isn’t a key source of leads and customers, you’re missing a huge opportunity that your competitors are already capitalising on. Get in touch today to schedule an obligation-free consult so we can learn more about your business and goals and formulate a plan for sustainable and significant business growth with our SEO Services.

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